Creative Thinking Skills - CTS

                        Introduction to

             Creative Thinking Skills (CTS)

Creative thinking skills is a subject that help and guide us to think about different ideas because usually we have many ideas in our mind but we don't know how to improve them and creative thinking skills shows us many ways that we can get results from them.It also helps us to improve expressing our ideas such as mind mapping ,process and...

Creative thinking skills or CTS is the first step for our way to the future and if we learn how to think and express our ideas then we will success because I believe that we have many awsome ideas!

First Project
This project was my first project not only in this subject but my first project in this course. In this project students required to create a musical instrument with daily objects and create a 5 minute musical performance as around 9 students in each unit and perform on the performance day in lecturer theatre in front of many students and lecturers. As individual task we should prepare individual documentation about our instrument and the performance.

Unit Name: The Infantry Dancing With The Architects
Unit Leader: Danar Jovian
Tutor: Ms.Normah Sulaiman

          Group Poster                                 Individual Poster


These are some pictures from our meetings,practices and 


This is our performance

This was my first project and I have learnt many things from this project like how to create instruments with daily objects and try to improve my ideas by experimenting and researching plus using creativity for our performance. One of the important things that I have learnt is how to do a group work and in my opinion the best part of this project was experiencing performing on stage. But beside all these things the most important outcomes of this project was learning about problem solving and process in creative thinking skills.

these are my individual documents

 IDJ1: Daily Object (s

What I have learnt from IDJ1 are how we can go through details about an object and find different uses of that object and how to use creativity in showing them in mind map and ... .Another thing about this is how we can improve our thinking in different ways.

 IDJ2: What can\can't I do with my daily object (sponge)

In this IDJ I list all the things that I can or I can't do with my daily object(sponge).This really help me o know my object better and understand what kind of abilities it has. IDJ2 helps me to go through details and creativity,I wrote down many things which about most of them people think that it's stupid, but this is how we can try creativity, because all the creative ideas come from unusual ideas.So in my opinion to become creative I have to try unusual  and crazy ideas, for example when Alexander Graham Bell had ideas about telephone,people thought it's a crazy idea but now it's one of the most important ways to communicate and these things happen to all creative people.

IDJ3: Imagine The Daily Object(sponge) as a Super Hero

IDJ3 was about imagination in creativity which students should imagine that their daily object is super hero and create a logo, costume, enemy and many other things about this super hero. Outcomes of this IDJ was all about fortifying imagination as an important element of creativity.

IDJ4: Analogy, Metaphor, Simile and Personification
This IDJ was all about learning analogy, metaphor, simile and personification as part of creative thinking skills.


CTS - Final Project

In this project students must try to create a game with a daily object. The game must contain all elements, like rules, logo, etc. First we started to research about game, definition, history, etc and how to create a good game, then we started experimenting on different options and choose the best one. And at the end prepare a booklet about their game and process to the final result. As groups, students should choose one game and if it's necessary change it to make it simpler, then make a video less than 3 minutes about game's structure, and finally join all together in a game tournament which students manage it. For this tournament all groups must play all other groups game except their own, beside that they can have their own jerseys or trophies and at the end one group with collected the most points, won the tournament.

Unit Name: KamiSumoKazes
Unit Leader: Danar Jovian
Tutor: Ms.Normah Sulaiman

                                Documentary booklet     

                                   Video Presentation

In this project as the final project of creative thinking skills subject, I have learnt about how I can analyse things even simple daily objects and find out what kind of things we can or cannot do with them, then find the problems and try to solve them by experiments and imaginations which can help me in every thing when I need to use my creative thinking skills. 

Group Part

Unit Name: KamiSumoKazes
Unit Leader: Danar Jovian
Tutor: Ms.Normah Sulaiman

  Group Video

Group Documentation

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